
integration web

Integration with other intranet and business management applications is one of the hottest topics in the implementation of an e-learning system. Prevent employees from finding themselves with the umpteenth password to remember, keeping personal data always aligned so as not to be forced to boring manual updates, guarantee access to courses according to company policies, earn substantial organizational savings: these are the main advantages in the adoption of our solutions.

We offer advice on technical and organizational design and implementation of:

  • Single sign-on solutions (synchronous alignment): set-up of procedures and functions for passing and updating utilities between web applications (intranet, corporate portals, ecc.)

  • Data synchronization: setup of procedures and functions for asynchronous alignment of user registries based on datasets received from other software (management, Sap, ecc)



custom developement web

Starting from open-source solutions in implementing an e-learning system in a company allows to greatly reduce the time and costs of technological startups, but it can happen that small interventions are needed to adapt these tools to specific needs of the company.

We usually handle these customization interventions that may concern, for example:

  • Development of additional features on the platform, necessary for specific practices of your company or your customers

  • Modification of existing features to optimize them and adapt them to specific business tasks


For example, we have developed scheduling and notification systems (also via SMS), customized reports, customized layouts…. Would you like to know more? Contact (link)


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