Learning Management System

Delivering your knowledge


We know well, even technology needs pampering!
For an e-learning platform we need dedicated hosting services, and then we need to update the software, talk to the technicians ... but your job is to do training!

Then we'll think about it, and everything else will be simpler too.

That's why we invented FORMA CLOUD, the integrated cloud hosting and maintenance service that will ensure maximum performance with minimum worries: the power of the cloud finally combined with the flexibility of open source!





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Exactly the resources you need, when you need them: this is the real CLOUD!
A service that automatically adapts to your needs in real time, to grow with your training.



Updates and bugfixes are always included with our maintenance service and you no longer have to wait for the official releases, thanks to our exclusive integrated maintenance process to the original development of Forma Lms.


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Unlike what happens with normal saas services, you can always customize your platform with plugins and custom scripts created by the community or developed specifically for you.


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Starting from € 87 per month!!!

Discover our cloud hosting offers for Forma Lms, find the plan that's right for you and
customize resources and services for your needs or those of your customers
( yes, we also have offers for DEALERS AND PROVIDERS!!)

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We host you in the largest cloud infrastructure in the world: can it be enough for your projects?


Your platform and your courses will rely on the same infrastructure used by the largest cloud services on the planet ... or maybe have you more ambitious projects?

In addition we have developed the exclusive Forma Devops technology, which will guarantee maximum speed and security in updating and maintenance of your LMS: you will be among the first to have directly all the new releases, fixes and functionality , directly from the development team of your favorite LMS!

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Freedom, Flexibility e Power
with Open Saas model


With Forma Cloud you will have the benefits of open source software offered with a convenient service on cloud infrastructure:

  • The freedom of open source, software and data remain yours, and you can customize them to your needs
  • The flexibility of a scalable and configurable turnkey service on your needs, including complete software maintenance.
  • The power of the cloud infrastructure, which will always give you the resources you need, when you need it.
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Do more with Forma Lms

Make your platform even bigger with our plugins, add the features you need to make it exactly the right tool for your online training projects

Discover our PLUGINS!